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Mind to be Kind
Scientist of the Week
Scientist of the Week: Greta Thunberg
Parent/Carer Information
Issue 100 of BMS News
As another week comes to a close, both staff and students are looking forward to the weekend but we have to take a moment to appreciate the success of the Bushey Meads Newsletter....
High Achiever
Latest High Achiever Awards
Annual Governors Day 2020
Our annual Governors Day 2020 took place on Tuesday of this week.Physical in-person and virtual online meetings took place with our hardworking Heads of Faculty and also with a...
Scientist of the Week
Scientist of the Week
Mind to be Kind
Kindness Thought of the Week
Oracy on Show in the LRC
It was impressive to see and hear Sophie in Year 8 speaking confidently to all her peers in last week’s literacy focused reading lesson in the school’s Learning Resource Centre or...
Staff Development
Powerful Marking and Feedback Strategies Showcased
Our week at Bushey Meads School started with Acting Lead Practitioner Mrs Hoskins and Acting Advanced Lead Teacher Miss Pattni being joined by Miss Dolan, one of our talented...
Word of the Week
Word of the Week: Concede
Kindness Thought of the Week