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Inspiring the Scientists of the Future

Inspiring the Scientists of the Future

Stephanie Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
Inspiring the Scientists of the Future

One of the perks of my job is visiting classes around the school to observe the fantastic teaching and learning taking place on a daily basis.

I have had the pleasure to particularly enjoy my recent visits to the science faculty.

Mr Mehta’s year 12 biology class were learning about DNA and genes, building on their GCSE learning. Mrs Ram’s year 7 class were keen to show me the models that they have made. Mrs Siddiqui’s year 10s were fascinated by all the different secretions from our bodies – particularly why mucus is green!

In addition, the learning environment has recently been cleared to allow for a more spacious corridor and new exciting displays. In the entrance is a great display introducing the different science specialists working within the faculty. Do take time to go and have a look.

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