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Impressive Embedded Routines at BMS

Impressive Embedded Routines at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Impressive Embedded Routines at BMS
Health and safety is of paramount importance in any school – all parents and carers want to know that their children are being well looked after and are safe. One aspect of this is practising fire drills which is something we take very seriously at Bushey Meads. Over the last few weeks every year group has practised during CDC time, walking out in silence to the clearly marked assembly points in the Astro turf and playground. Staff at the school insist on silence and we  expect all students to follow this golden rule.
Key Stage 3 then practised together and Key Stage 4 and 5 likewise. Last week we then held a fire drill for the whole school and the photos show an impressive sight. All students and staff standing quietly to enable all the registers to be taken quickly and quietly to ensure that everyone has evacuated the building and all students and staff are accounted for.
As parents do remind your children of our very clear expectations. We practice these drills in the hope that we never have to experience a real fire on the school site but, as parents and carers, you should be reassured that this is one aspect of our health and safety that we take very seriously.

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