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Fantastic Feedback
At Bushey Meads we have been extremely fortunate to have appointed some superb new staff to our school who have all joined us since this September. Many of them are extremely talented and enthusiastic Early Career Teachers or ECTs who bring such a wealth of talent and all the latest pedagogical knowledge to our profession.
On that note, we had a fantastic Friday Faculty Foci led by Miss Sumpter who teaches RE within our Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty. Miss Sumpter highlighted her excellent use of the Teacher Fast Feedback devices available at the school. Linked to an APP on a smartphone, the device allows you to devise highly personalised feedback for students and prints it onto coloured stickers, in line with the school’s marking and feedback policy.
It was a popular sharing best practice moment as it is another of those time saving strategies that enables us as teachers to provide effective feedback, but in a smart and efficient way.
I would like to congratulate Miss Sumpter and all our ECTs for making such a good and positive start to the school this year.
We are lucky to have you in our learning community!

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