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Fabulous Friday Focus

Fabulous Friday Focus

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Fabulous Friday Focus
Friday mornings are a great time to walk around CDC groups and see all students enjoying being read to by their CDCs. It makes for a lovely calm start to the day and one that exposes all our students to high quality texts and supports the ongoing development of good literacy in all of our learners.
Literacy as we know underpins learning across the whole curriculum; we are all well aware that all examinations at GCSE and A level centre around literacy ability, as well as subject knowledge.
With that in mind, do encourage your children to read as much and as often as they can outside of school as well as in school as it all helps in their journey of making good progress.
The photos here show 8 Elm engrossed in their reading last week showing exemplary behaviour for learning and all following our Keys to Success perfectly. It was great to see

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