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Exploring Exciting Opportunities on Enrichment Day

Exploring Exciting Opportunities on Enrichment Day

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Exploring Exciting Opportunities on...
The passion of the superb teachers at Bushey Meads shone through strongly last week on our latest Enrichment Day as they delivered important sessions to Year 9 students who are currently considering their all important future GCSE Option Choices for Key Stage 4.
Students were given a sample of what some of the new subjects might cover and were made aware of the exciting topics and potential challenges involved.
With the Year 9 Options Evening for students and parents taking place the same evening, it was a very timely and well received Enrichment Day. Students commented on how useful it was to attend these informative sessions at such a crucial time in their educational journey through school.
I would like to thank Assistant Headteacher Mrs Greenwood, who oversees the whole school curriculum at Bushey Meads for arranging the important day and all the staff involved in the sessions the Year 9 students attended.

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