Excellent Scaffolded Learning
It was great to join Mr Harris’ Year 9 PE lesson last Friday after breaktime and see how engaged all students were in learning about the key skills required to be an excellent...
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It was great to join Mr Harris’ Year 9 PE lesson last Friday after breaktime and see how engaged all students were in learning about the key skills required to be an excellent...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was so lovely to see how keen the Year 7 students were in their reading lesson in the LRC with Mrs Turton our outstanding LRC Manager on Wednesday of this week. Many of them...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Joining a Year 11 English lesson this week I found myself immersed in the world of Scrooge. Our GCSE English gains students two GCSEs: one in English Language and the other in...
Posted by Claire Till
Oxford University Press conducted an online survey with teachers from around the UK to investigate the ‘word gap’ that exists for primary and secondary school students. Their...
Posted by Claire Till
It was a real pleasure to be able to walk around and visit so many wonderful enrichment day activities last Friday. One of the nicest highlights was in the Year 10 French and...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Posted by James Felix
It has been very heartwarming to see groups of Year 11 working so hard so early in the term. They have had a lot to deal with and the work ethic and attitude to learning of many...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Find out more about the issues surrounding Black History Month by exploring our display in the library featuring books on famous campaigners, activists, sports people and topics...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Year 8 students were challenged with tasks in D&T and Maths on their enrichment day on Friday 2nd October 2020. In the Design and Technology faculty, the challenge was to...
Posted by David Chalkley
Our Anti-bullying ambassadors are again busy working to make sure that all BMS students feel safe. At present they are handing out Pledges to all the CDC groups. These will be...
Posted by Helen Mateides
It was great to join Mr Harris’ Year 9 PE lesson last Friday after breaktime and see how engaged all students were in learning about the key skills required to be an excellent badminton player.
After a warm up activity recapping on prior learning, stepping in and out of lay up shots, the students progressed onto carefully scaffolded activities to hone their skills of developing an excellent smash shot.
At times they practised without a racquet, aiming for a carefully positioned target cone, mixing this up with practical game-play type situations.
Mr Harris provided some excellent demonstrations and great assessment for learning feedback to differentiate the support and ensure the progress of all learners.
The lesson ended with a competitive badminton game when everyone had a chance to prove the progress they had made.
It was great to see!
Despite the clear restrictions we are all adhering to in our very modified learning environment, it has been so good to welcome back students to each year group in our school for...
NEWS Health has been at the forefront of our thoughts over the last few weeks in these very challenging times. As a predominantly practical subject area we are very aware of the...