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Excellent Award Epitomising the BMS Ethos

Excellent Award Epitomising the BMS Ethos

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Excellent Award Epitomising the BMS Ethos
At Bushey Meads we talk about always trying to have a Mind to Be Kind and trying to live out that important mantra in all that we do. During the last week of the Autumn Term it was a real privilege to present a special one-off High Achiever Award to one of our Year 7 students, Jacob in 7 Elm, for living out that mantra over a sustained period of time.
Without any prompting from anyone else, he befriended and supported a new student to the school and assisted them with finding their way around the school, checking they knew where important places were and that they could follow their timetable and be on time for all their lessons.
We all know that when you join a new school, especially mid term or mid year, it can be a daunting process. Jacob’s extremely kind behaviour helped immensely and he is a role model for all those around him.
Well done Jacob – we are proud of you!

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