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Elm house Update!

Elm house Update!

Niralee Pattni
Niralee Pattni
Elm house Update!

As we approach the end of term it’s nice to look back and I would like to take the opportunity to celebrate some of the amazing things that members of Elm house have achieved so far this year!

Shivenn Hindocha for always going above and beyond to participate in every aspect of school life.

Sophie Mullings for always having a smile on her face and being kind and helpful to everyone.

Kellie Ashby – For getting over 200 reward points in one half term!

Aman Rahman – For always offering to help out in CDC time and going above and beyond

Renee Antwi-Boasiako – amazing helper in all situations, including taking all chairs down in our CD room every morning.

Rafi Izhar – assisting within the maths faculty

Eleanor Vroome – assisting in so many aspects of the school, sixth form, student leadership and always asking how others are

Scarlett Appleby – For being a great CDC student parliament rep for 9Elm

Peter Wakaba – For allowing a new member of our CDC group to feel welcome

David Tooley – always organised, has equipment and is ready to help.

These are just a few of the many members of our house but I’m sure all of you have contributed your little bit or achieved something amazing, so keep up the good work and continue to make Elm house proud!

I would like to make a special mention to one of our newest members of the Elm House family, Dadullah Ahmadzai. He has had a very positive start to his journey at Bushey Meads and yesterday I had the pleasure of teaching him in textiles. Despite it being his very first textiles lesson, Dadullah demonstrated fantastic focus and skill using the sewing machine, so much so that managed to make himself a pencil case within the hour!! I am looking forward to seeing more of his brilliant work throughout the year.

A big well done to Elm house for all your hard work this term, I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous new year!

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