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Communication is Key

Communication is Key

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Communication is Key

Communication was our Theme of the Week this week and Senior Assistant Headteacher Mr Searle led some very topical and thought provoking assemblies in the Main Hall.
Pictured here speaking to all students in Key Stage 4, he drew analogies and examples from the field of rugby highlighting the power of great communication and what can be achieved. He encouraged all students to consider watching England play on the quarter final of the Rugby World Cup on Saturday morning.
In school we encourage all students to hone and develop their communication skills – listening, non-verbal and verbal communication, knowing when to back away from an argument and to understand how positive words can affirm and build others up in any relationship.

Communication is key in any learning environment and, along with our ethos of kindness, can play a key part in continuing to shape our great school.

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