Communication in Lockdown
I am sure by now you have found many new ways to communicate with friends and loved ones. We have been forced to become very creative with our communication and my family and I...
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I am sure by now you have found many new ways to communicate with friends and loved ones. We have been forced to become very creative with our communication and my family and I...
Posted by Helen Blowers
During the current climate, the students who are attending BMS obviously do not follow a normal timetable. However, they do have a lunchtime and as the weather has been so nice...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Sociology has always been a subject that raises one key question; does it really apply to the world around us? Sociology at its heart is the study of society and all its aspects....
Posted by Chloe Lister
It was lovely to receive this email message from Sam Rutter (mother of BMS students Matthew, Ben and Chloe) this week thanking everyone associated with Bushey Meads for supporting...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Hello, I hope this email finds you and your families well. Thank you for those of you who fed back on ‘The Landlady’– I’m glad you enjoyed the story as...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
What a strange time of year for us all in Learning Support. What would normally be the start of a new summer term and looking forward to enjoying lunchtimes outside with our...
Posted by Roa Dillon
Mathletics is an excellent online resource that has been used for quite a while by students in year 7 and 8, and also by students at Little Reddings and Hartsbourne. It is a...
Posted by Lara Timmins
NEWS This week the PE and Health Faculty have launched the BMS PE Home Learning Booklet for all KS3 students. The aim of the booklet is to provide students with a series of...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
A new term is beginning and for many parents/careers this may be a daunting time as it signals the return to home learning. For some, it is a question of how to manage to work...
Posted by Claire Till
Literacy is more important now than ever before with business leaders around the world believing that teenagers entering the world of work at this time will be exposed o more...
Posted by Claire Till
As we all consider what we can do to continue supporting each other during these difficult times, this week’s National Children’s Mental Health Week seems all the more...
During this time of lockdown and home schooling it is great to have some things continue as normal – one of which is students receiving reward points in recognition of their...