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Charity Donation to Mind – BMS Student Leaders

Charity Donation to Mind – BMS Student Leaders

Jackson Helyer
Jackson Helyer
Charity Donation to Mind – BMS Student...

It is with great pleasure and immense pride I can report on the outstanding work that the Sixth Form Student Leaders continue to do. With so many cases of young people suffering from mental health struggles, our Student Leaders at Bushey Meads wanted to do their bit to support the fantastic charity, Mind.

The charity Mind tells us –

Even though 1 in 4 people have mental health problems, most of us don’t get the help we need.

This has to change.

Mind are here to fight mental health. For support, for respect, for you.

We change minds across England and Wales by making mental health an everyday priority. By standing up to the injustices – in healthcare, in work, in law – which make life harder for those of us with mental health problems.

We support minds – offering help whenever you might need it through our information, advice and local services. 

And we connect minds. Bringing together an unstoppable network of individuals and communities – people who care about mental health to make a difference.

With the incredible sum of £813.79 raised for Mind, we can now support over 100 support calls by trained members of staff, answering calls to the Mind Infoline, supporting those in need across the country.

Our Sixth Form Leaders and in particular our Community Leaders can be so proud of their efforts to support this worthwhile charity and lets hope we can continue to provide support moving forward.

If you or one of your friends in school are having a tough time, please do come and speak with members of staff, be it your CDC or a member of the pastoral team. We have staff in school who can support you and it’s always ‘good to talk’.

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