CDC Reading: Friday 24th April
Hello, I hope this email finds you and your families well. Thank you for those of you who fed back on ‘The Landlady’– I’m glad you enjoyed the story as...
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Hello, I hope this email finds you and your families well. Thank you for those of you who fed back on ‘The Landlady’– I’m glad you enjoyed the story as...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
What a strange time of year for us all in Learning Support. What would normally be the start of a new summer term and looking forward to enjoying lunchtimes outside with our...
Posted by Roa Dillon
Mathletics is an excellent online resource that has been used for quite a while by students in year 7 and 8, and also by students at Little Reddings and Hartsbourne. It is a...
Posted by Lara Timmins
NEWS This week the PE and Health Faculty have launched the BMS PE Home Learning Booklet for all KS3 students. The aim of the booklet is to provide students with a series of...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
A new term is beginning and for many parents/careers this may be a daunting time as it signals the return to home learning. For some, it is a question of how to manage to work...
Posted by Claire Till
Literacy is more important now than ever before with business leaders around the world believing that teenagers entering the world of work at this time will be exposed o more...
Posted by Claire Till
Each week I send out to all stakeholders a ‘Kindness Thought of the Week’ which helps to promote our school mantra of ‘Our School has a Mind to be Kind’...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
During this time of lockdown and home schooling it is great to have some things continue as normal – one of which is students receiving reward points in recognition of their...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
The English Faculty continue to suggest weekly reads, but we don’t want to miss the opportunity to promote writing activities too. The National Writing Project sums up the...
Posted by Lynn Court
Foresight: Thoughtful regard for the future
Dissimulation: Hidden under a false appearance
Vexed: Troubled, distressed, caused agitation
Sagacity: Sound judgment
Hearkening: Giving careful attention
Awe: A mixed feeling of reverence, fear, and wonder
Distinctness: Unmistakable, clearly defined
Over-acuteness: Very keen
Concealment: A means of hiding
Waned: To grow gradually less
Scantlings: Small quantities or amounts
Suavity: Gracefulness, politeness
Bade: Urged, compelled
Audacity: Bold courage, daring
Reposed: To lay at rest
Don’t forget, even when working from home, you can access a vast range of books and resources online using our SORA system. In library Studies next week, Mrs Turton will be...
Following year 10 parents’ evening, we had several requests for book recommendations. Regular reading is so important for success at GCSE and beyond, yet it’s exactly...