BBC Bitesize Careers Tour

BBC Bitesize Careers Tour

Tracy Greenwood
Tracy Greenwood
BBC Bitesize Careers Tour
On Thursday 10th October we had a visit from the BBC. All students received an interactive presentation about careers, aspirations and further education pathways. The highlight for most students being the Q&A session with the rugby ball microphone! Some of our tech team had a 1:1 session looking at all the equipment they used to stage the show.
The show was hosted by Fee Mak (BBC Extra Breakfast) and featured interviews with Eastenders stars Jaden Ladega (Denzil Danes) and Ellie Dadd (Amy Mitchell).
The BBC careers website is a great resource for students and parents. There are quizzes to find out what jobs suit different personalities, links between subjects and careers, information about different routes into employment and further education.

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