A Hive of Activity and Learning

A Hive of Activity and Learning

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A Hive of Activity and Learning
Lead Practitioner Miss Pattni’s Year 11 Textiles classroom was bustling with activity on Tuesday afternoon and all students were highly engaged in a whole variety of different activities.
Some of the students were carefully reviewing their NEA Coursework and the detailed feedback that Miss Pattni had provided – captured in green pen and in a summary assessment front sheet, to shape their steps to help take this considerable piece of work (worth 50% of the GCSE course) to the next level.
Other students were focussing on developing and refining their practical skills to nail those top marks in their upcoming GCSE assessments.
It was a very impressive classroom to visit and we wish all the students well as they aim to hit those top grades – well supported by one of our top teachers.

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