Exemplary Embedded Routines to Strengthen Learning in Maths

Exemplary Embedded Routines to Strengthen Learning in Maths

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Exemplary Embedded Routines to Strengthen...

Deputy Head of Maths Miss Timmins led our Friday Faculty Foci at the end of last week and shared some excellent practice related to revision-based lesson starters and embedded routines which clearly build in well planned opportunities for learning and achievement into her outstanding lessons – every student knows what to expect and rises to the challenge of learning.

The lesson starters often recap on prior learning and are self-marked to identify knowledge gaps. These can then be used to adapt the sequence of learning to ensure continued progress over time takes place and student confidence grows in all areas of the curriculum.

Miss Timmins also showcased her ‘Guide To’ Summary Sheets that form a really useful class discussion tool and are used to capture the key tips for success. Her students really love these and often ask her when the next one is coming up!

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