A Poem from our Inspired Pastoral Department
As pastoral manager for Year 10, I have time to observe the behaviours of some of the young men in that year group. One of my foundation statements is that “ALL behaviour is...
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As pastoral manager for Year 10, I have time to observe the behaviours of some of the young men in that year group. One of my foundation statements is that “ALL behaviour is...
Posted by Michelle Penny
The pastoral team is receiving a lot of phone calls from very worried parents and we want you to know, you are not alone! We are working hard to build up social and resilience...
Posted by Helen Blowers
Hello from the Pastoral Team It has been so lovely to see everyone back in school. Our students appear to have enjoyed their Easter break and all the students seem very happy that...
Posted by Helen Blowers
It is said that we humans are social creatures, this means we enjoy spending time together and communicating with each other. Over this past year, we have had to miss out on being...
Posted by Michelle Penny
As the majority of students continue to work from home, students who are in school can still enjoy a friendly game with their peers in Our Space. Students were unaware that the...
Posted by Helen Mateides
My life was punctuated throughout each and every day, A full stop at the end and a few commas along the way. The commas were my friends, the moments and feelings shared My full...
Posted by Michelle Penny
I am sure you have all been touched by the news of the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore. A courageous, amazing and interesting man whose legacy, amongst other things, is to remind...
Posted by Helen Blowers
I have written this poem to reflect how many of us are feeling at the moment. I was inspired by some pictures of snowdrops that a friend had recently posted on facebook. It...
Posted by Michelle Penny
Despite all the challenges we have faced during the last year the Pastoral Team remain incredibly proud of the year groups we manage. The resilience and ability to adapt to new...
Posted by Helen Blowers
As pastoral manager for Year 10, I have time to observe the behaviours of some of the young men in that year group. One of my foundation statements is that “ALL behaviour is communication” and this is evident when I observe some of the behaviours displayed by some of the students, both in and out of lessons. This has inspired me to write this.
Young Man
Young man SIT DOWN
STOP acting like a clown!
This clown, this cover, this shield, this mask
That keeps him hid from the task.
The clown is JOYOUS and running around
Sometimes it’s angry and wears a frown.
Clown can find the beautiful and bold
Clown can stifle, suppress and hold.
Young man is sitting talking tears
But what he says NO ONE hears!
The words and deeds belie the feelings
The truth can sometimes leave him reeling
It’s often then the spiral comes
It comes to toss and turn him round
And when it’s done who is this man
Clown and man hand in hand.
Last month, the English Faculty launched a themed Lockdown Poetry Competition. Mr Johnson and Miss Stanton set students the challenge to compose and submit a poem about an aspect...
This is what students have to say: We come to Our Space because it is a nice place to chat and laugh with our friends and meet new people – Chloe and Ava I come to Our Space...