Parents Evening Newsletter
The Parents evening was really well attended and students have really used this PPE exam results as motivation towards their next steps. Teachers have been able to use their...
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The Parents evening was really well attended and students have really used this PPE exam results as motivation towards their next steps. Teachers have been able to use their...
Posted by Madeline Silla
For those who know the school well, we know how many hard working dedicated staff work at Bushey Meads School – staff who on a day to day basis go the extra mile for...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It is always good to receive the many letters and emails of thanks recognising staff and students at the school and the amazing work that they do. So often in life it is the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
This year it has been very positive to receive ongoing feedback about our still relatively new online parents’ evenings. Whilst we do miss the physical ‘in...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads we place a high emphasis on recognising and rewarding achievement and many students have finished this first term of 2021.22 with over 100 reward points which is...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Following the Learning Support Information Evening held on Tuesday evening of this week it was lovely to receive so many messages of thanks for the superb work that all staff are...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
I would like to thank all parents and carers who have taken the time to email the school and provide such positive feedback to the hard working staff at Bushey Meads who have...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The ‘power of praise’ and simply ‘going the extra mile’ for others has a hugely positive impact. This term all the staff at Bushey Meads have worked so...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Good afternoon Mr Turner and All the Teachers and Associate Staff at BMS. I just wanted to write this email to thank everyone at BMS for all the amazing work they are doing. I...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
As all staff continue to work incredibly hard to support all students with their learning – whether attending school for face to face lessons or via the live lessons, it is...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The Parents evening was really well attended and students have really used this PPE exam results as
motivation towards their next steps. Teachers have been able to use their knowledge of subject to
support students and set individual targets to ensure each students achievement. The
communication with parents at the parents evening was vital for students to be aware of where they
are working at in each individual subject. All students hopefully have gained a valuable insight into
where they are working at and targets of how they should improve over the next few months to
ensure they not only secure their target grades but can aspire to reach their aspirational targets. The
parents evening was a huge success and now Year 13 students should be using all of the support,
advice and guidance from all of their subjects teachers to support them into achieving the grades
that we know they deserve and also to help them with their future careers. A huge good luck to all
the Year 13 students!
We are proud to share that Zainah, a former student from 13S, has successfully secured a spot on the Amazon Future Engineers Bursary programme and is now studying BSc Computer...
ENRICHMENT DAY : YEAR 10 Options Activities On Friday 29th September the new Year 10 Sports Studies class visited Rickmansworth Aquadrome and spent a day with the Bury Lake Young...