Parents Evening Newsletter

Madeline Silla
Madeline Silla
Parents Evening Newsletter

The Parents evening was really well attended and students have really used this PPE exam results as
motivation towards their next steps. Teachers have been able to use their knowledge of subject to
support students and set individual targets to ensure each students achievement. The
communication with parents at the parents evening was vital for students to be aware of where they
are working at in each individual subject. All students hopefully have gained a valuable insight into
where they are working at and targets of how they should improve over the next few months to
ensure they not only secure their target grades but can aspire to reach their aspirational targets. The
parents evening was a huge success and now Year 13 students should be using all of the support,
advice and guidance from all of their subjects teachers to support them into achieving the grades
that we know they deserve and also to help them with their future careers. A huge good luck to all
the Year 13 students!


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