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Continue to Make Your Positive Voice Heard – It Makes a Difference!

Continue to Make Your Positive Voice Heard – It Makes a Difference!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Continue to Make Your Positive Voice Heard...

It is always good to receive the many letters and emails of thanks recognising staff and students at the school and the amazing work that they do. So often in life it is the people who moan a lot and who are naturally negative and find it easy to criticise that get all the attention, but not so at Bushey Meads.

I personally would like to thank the many positive supportive parents who do regularly show their appreciation for the hard working staff at the school who on a daily basis go the extra mile for all the students in their care and are clearly making a positive difference in their children’s lives.

A few recent examples include:

Dear Mr Turner
Since joining Bushey Meads at the end of Year 7 our daughter’s school journey has gone from strength to strength and the support the school and the staff have given her and her sister (who is in Year 8) has been amazing. We are so proud of their achievements and the young ladies they are becoming. Our eldest daughter (now in Year 10) has been able to achieve her sporting goals because of the belief of the PE & Health Faculty and the school, so thank you to all who are involved. We hope her younger sister will be able to do the same!
Kind regards
Parents of Year 7 and 10 Students


Dear Mr Turner,
I wanted to send you an email to let you know that you have one of the most wonderful year 10 students I have ever met by the name of Rafaela. Rafaela in Year 10 not only helped me but she has kept an eye on my son on the way home from school. She has visited after school to see how he is and given him a pep talk to let him know that he will have Year 10s keeping an eye out for him and encouraging him to keep his head held high at school. Rafaela has helped my son get his confidence back this week and has given me new faith in Bushey Meads. I really cannot thank this young lady enough for her kindness and courage. It would really mean a lot to me if you could thank this young lady from the bottom of my heart for what she has done for my son as she really has gone above and beyond to make sure that a Year 8 student she didn’t even really know is safe and happy, not only in, but also outside of Bushey Meads School.
Year 8 Parent

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