Meaningful Maple Assembly

Meaningful Maple Assembly

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Meaningful Maple Assembly
It was great to be able to join Maple House for their House Assembly last week led by their Head of House Miss Joannou. On the important theme of Equality and Diversity Miss Joannou explained how important each word was within our school and the wider society. Everyone has a right to equality and we need to positively celebrate diversity and the uniqueness of us all. Miss Joannou reminded the students in Maple House of the great ways that we do this at Bushey Meads and how diversity enriches our world, both in and beyond BMS.
She also celebrated some great successes within the House and reminded students of the need to aim for excellent attendance and punctuality and a high Attitude to learning or AtL. The upcoming Pizza Party will certainly help to reward those students excelling in these areas. She also made reference to the superb Maple House students who took part in the fabulous recent House Arts Competition and everyone present gave Yeshani a huge round of applause for her success in this prestigious event.
It was an uplifting way to start the day in our wonderful school.

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