Outdoor Education Proposal for BMS

Outdoor Education Proposal for BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Outdoor Education Proposal for BMS
One of the highlights of my week last week was when I met with Year 8 student Travis and Learning Assistant Mr Smith (pictured here in my office) to discuss the opportunity to establish an outdoor education area at the school. Travis had put a lot of effort into the research behind some great ideas to develop an eco-friendly environmental area designed by students for students. The project will incorporate a workshop shed, raised beds, plants and vegetables, an orchard of trees and a potential pond/wildlife area.
This idea and ongoing project will definitely enhance the school’s wider curriculum provision and is something we want more students to become involved with. I am delighted to announce that Travis successfully secured an initial £3000 investment towards meeting some of the start-up costs.
We wish him well with this venture and his leadership role in this key development in our school.

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