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Base Football Report

Base Football Report

Emma Rollings
Emma Rollings
Base Football Report

On Monday 6th December a group of students from Learning Support were very fortunate to take part in a football session run by Chid from Hertfordshire Learning Disability Football. The Hertfordshire Learning Disability Football sets up trials for children across Hertfordshire to represent their region and compete against other regions in a league.

During the session they were shown drills teaching them skills they can use whilst attacking and how to defend this. Chid was very impressed with the level of football on display and hopes to enter our students in a league in the future. Thank you to all the students who took part and well done!

Students: Billy Hughes, Alec Apikian, Taylor Bracewell, Charlie Hackett-Goldsmith, Imogen Diston, Harrison Buckridge, Sophie Seeby, Joshua Omoviye, Brook Lamble, Zac Pearson.

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