Willow House Assembly

Willow House Assembly

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Willow House Assembly
It was a privilege to join Willow House Assembly last Thursday and hear the wisdom of Mr Ash the Head of Willow House as he talked about the Theme of the Week Resilience. He reminded all students that we all face setbacks in our lives, but the important thing is to never give up. Often it is through failure and hardship that we learn most and develop that all important resilience that can see us through the hard times to achieve great success.
He provided examples of some very famous people who have demonstrated great resilience when faced with opposition and went on to achieve amazing things. These role models included Beyonce, Michael Jordan, J K Rowling and Walt Disney. He also played a great media clip of some well known scenes from a number of Disney films to reinforce his important points.
Resilience is part of life and helps us grow and develop and achieve great success. 

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