Exemplary Electronic Engineers

Exemplary Electronic Engineers

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Exemplary Electronic Engineers
It was really encouraging to see how well our Year 9 students are developing their independent learning skills and their ability to problem-solve and develop resilience in their learning. Head of Faculty for Design and Technology Mr Chalkley was teaching a unit as part of the carousel of technology lessons on offer at the start of Year 9 which enables all students to make an informed choice about their futrue options in both the latter part of Year 9 and then at Key Stage 4.  The students complete projects underpinned by industry standard elements that expose them to the exciting learnng opportunities within and beyond the school.
In this lesson they were completing their CAD designs, testing their electronic circuit boards and then making the carefully designed box to protect the delicate components that made up their complex sound sensors.The learning was supported by excellent resources and great differentiated support from the teacher and was assessed in a variety of ways, by the students themselves and through peer and teacher asesssment. At the end of the lesson the students self-reflected about the soft and hard skills they had developed during the project and realised how much they had learned.
It was very impressive to see the high engagement and motivation to succeed.

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