Exemplary Electronic Engineers
It was really encouraging to see how well our Year 9 students are developing their independent learning skills and their ability to problem-solve and develop resilience in their...
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It was really encouraging to see how well our Year 9 students are developing their independent learning skills and their ability to problem-solve and develop resilience in their...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Offshore Shell’s Generous Donation Enriches Students’ Culinary Education BMS has been handpicked as one of the fortunate recipients of a generous donation from...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
This half term our Year 10 textiles students have harnessed their creative prowess to design and print their own fabric, transforming it into stunning quilted toiletry bags. Eager...
Posted by Niralee Pattni
This week we are celebrating the outstanding work of our Year 10 students in the GCSE Design and Technology classes. From woodworking wonders to textile triumphs, our students are...
Posted by Charlotte Hewitt
All the D&T teachers were so impressed with the enthusiasm and skill that year 8 displayed on enrichment day last week. The challenge of designing and making a model...
Posted by David Chalkley
Year 7 is already getting stuck into all the fantastic specialism of D&T BMS has to offer. Year 7 Resistant Materials have been researching ancient cultures and using...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
Design and Technology plays a crucial role in the Key Stage 3 curriculum, providing students with the opportunity to develop a range of practical skills, creativity, and...
Posted by Charlotte Hewitt
Six of our best kart drivers travelled to Greenwich for the regional finals of the British Schools Karting Championship. With a bigger track and faster karts, their driving skills...
Posted by David Chalkley
It was a real honour to see Team Spectrum at the national finals of the VEX Robotics competition. Their ambition and determination to be the best had led them to a major rebuild...
Posted by David Chalkley
Mrs Hanbury’s and Mrs Hewitts Year 9 Food groups had the pleasure of a visit from an education speaker, Lynne Snowden from Animal Aid last week to help consolidate the...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
This week’s STEM club focuses on ‘Girls in Engineering’. We are very lucky to have such talented female students at Bushey Meads School and none more so than;...
Mrs Hanbury was so proud of her Year 10 Food Preparation and Nutrition group for working diligently, with care and precision to prepare over 100 mince pies to take to Hartsbourne...