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Calling our young chefs in Year 8,9,10 or 11

Calling our young chefs in Year 8,9,10 or 11

Alison Hanbury
Alison Hanbury
Calling our young chefs in Year 8,9,10 or 11

Calling our young chefs in Year 8,9,10 or 11


Can you prepare in two hours, a two-course healthy meal comprising a main course and dessert for two people and costing up

to £18.00?


 If so email Mrs Hanbury or speak to any member of the D&T department for more information.


Watford Rotary Club has been hosting the annual Rotary Young Chef Competition at West Herts College Catering School on a Saturday for a number of years and over the years the Bushey Meads School entrants have placed in the top 3 and have also won!.

The Watford heat at West Herts College is on Saturday 18th November 2023. The competition entrants have to bring in the ingredients and have 2 hours to prepare and cook in the beautiful West Herts kitchens. The food is  judged taking into consideration things like healthy ingredients, presentation, taste, hygiene and tidiness of the kitchen.

The judges are Andy Wakeford Head of School for Food Academy & Hospitality and in the past we have met Michelin starred chefs from top London restaurants.

Email Mrs Hanbury or speak to any member of the D&T department for more information.

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