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BSJT Celebrate International Dance Day

BSJT Celebrate International Dance Day

Eliz Noyan
Eliz Noyan
BSJT Celebrate International Dance Day
On Thursday 29th April the Bushey St James Trust schools joined together to celebrate International Dance Day. This is an important day in the dance world that takes place every year on 29th April, as it is the anniversary of the birth of Jean-Georges Noverre, the creator of modern ballet.
At Bushey Meads the students took part in a dance activity during Character Development time, while Little Reddings Primary School and Hartsbourne Primary School used my same video activity in their lessons and at the start of their day. All students learnt a set dance and performed it with their peers in class.
The feedback I have received from the BSJT staff and students about the event and activity has been incredible. Year 1 Hartsbourne students discussed how they felt after completing the activity and said, “Dancing makes me feel inspirational”, “When I dance I feel happy” and “Today is when everyone in the world dances, that’s cool!“.
I am delighted to share with you a compilation video showcasing the students’ dance moves including some special guest appearances throughout. How many smiley faces can you spot?
Thank you and well done to all staff and students from the Bushey St James Trust schools for making this year’s International Dance Day amazing.
I look forward to celebrating with you all again next year!

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