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BMS Student Shines in BBC Teach Interview

BMS Student Shines in BBC Teach Interview

Anthony Carter
Anthony Carter
BMS Student Shines in BBC Teach Interview

One of my favourite things about being an English teacher at BMS is being the Character Development Coach for 10 Elm. A highlight of this academic year was witnessing Trishan in my Character Development Group showcase his scientific knowledge of cells as part of an interview for BBC Teach with Nobel Prize winner and biologist, Paul Nurse.

About the experience, Trishan said:

“I came across the opportunity to film with the BBC via Mr Chalkley, who had received an email from a co-ordinator at F1 in Schools, a competition I have previously participated in. I recorded a video application to feature in the show as it focused on an area of study I was particularly interested in. Surprisingly, I was one of two students selected from a large pool of applicants; it wasn’t something I expected at all.

The day of filming was quite interesting, as it was nothing like I had experienced before and was filmed in a stunning location, the Barbican Conservatory. Thankfully, the crew were very understanding and nice, which helped relieve some of the pressure and led to a smoother day overall.

Having a discussion with a scientist of such high stature helped me learn something new and how we can be responsible for the nature around us in this world.”

You can watch the full video on the BBC Teach website:–geography-paul-nurse-what-is-life/z6qvbqt

Well done, Trishan!

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