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BMS English Faculty Launch Year 11 Study Saturdays With Supportive Revision Workshops!

BMS English Faculty Launch Year 11 Study Saturdays With Supportive Revision Workshops!

Danielle Bowe
Danielle Bowe
BMS English Faculty Launch Year 11 Study...
On Saturday the 27th April, Ms Court, Ms Smith, Mr Lester and Ms Bowe ran four GCSE English Literature revision workshops for year 11 on ‘Romeo and Juliet’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, ‘Anthology Poetry’ and ‘Unseen Poetry’ (our final text is ‘An Inspector Calls’ and is being covered in lessons this week). Well done to everyone who made the 9am start on top of the already very busy week they had at school! Year 11 worked well and showed how focused they are on the upcoming exams. We really hope you found it useful, especially in planning those all important next steps for your revision.
Not all of year 11 could attend this targeted event so we will are providing additional revision sessions on a Monday after school and Thursday lunch times-look out for the advertised details.
All year 11s have their own exam timetable, but here’s a little reminder of the GCSE English exam highlights:
Paper 1: Wednesday 15th May pm. 1hr 45 mins
Section A– complete 1 extract based question from ‘Romeo and Juliet’, 
Section B– complete 1 extract based question from ‘A Christmas Carol’
Paper 2: Thursday 23rd May am. 2 hrs 15 mins
Section A-complete 1 essay from a choice of 2 on ‘An Inspector Calls’
Section B– complete 1 essay comparing 2 poems from the ‘Poetry Anthology’   Section C– complete 2 questions covering two unseen poems
Paper 1: Tuesday 4th June am. 1 hr 45 mins
Section A-4 reading questions on 1 prose extract
Section B– complete 1 narrative or descriptive writing task from a choice of 2
Paper 2: Friday 7th June am. 1 hr 45 mins
Section A-4 questions covering 2 non-fiction texts
Section B– complete 1 non fiction writing task
All of year 11 have access to our invaluable online revision resources through Cambridge Elevate and PIXL Lit. If there is any difficulty logging on, students should see their teacher ASAP. As well as that, there are revision materials available in the LRC and provided in English lessons. We are all here to help so keep a note of any questions or concerns that arise when you’re working independently at home, then see your teacher in class for additional support.
Good luck year 11-keep up the hard work. You can do this!
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