Cyber Security Champions!
High Achiever Awards go to our National Finalists – second place in the Eastern Region! In the last few years the school introduced a special new award for students called...
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High Achiever Awards go to our National Finalists – second place in the Eastern Region! In the last few years the school introduced a special new award for students called...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At school and in life it is always good to be challenged. Challenge takes us out of our comfort zones and into that learning zone where we develop and grow as people. Associate...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On 12th December 2024, the IT STEMPOINT organisation organised an IT workshop at Samuel Whitbread Academy School, Bedford. The purpose of this workshop is to encourage Year 8 and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Last Thursday it was so nice to see so many students and staff sporting their Christmas jumpers and enjoying what was considered by many to be one of the best Christmas dinners...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Advanced Lead Teacher Mr Godfrey provided an excellent Friday Faculty Foci at the end of last week in our Staff Briefing meeting in the Main Hall and shared some superb best...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to hear from Mr Smith, Lead Learning Assistant – Outdoor Education and D of E Co-ordinator on Monday morning of this week in our Staff Briefing meeting and see...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to listen to some words of advice from Mr Booth the BSJT IT Manager and Senior IT Technician Mr Tenga about the potential of artificial intelligence as a tool for...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to be able to join Maple House for their House Assembly last week led by their Head of House Miss Joannou. On the important theme of Equality and Diversity Miss...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was encouraging to be able to welcome so many of our Year 11 students with their parents and carers, and also a good number of external visitors from local schools, to our...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
High Achiever Awards go to our National Finalists – second place in the Eastern Region!
In the last few years the school introduced a special new award for students called a High Achiever Award. The award is usually given every half term by each faculty in the school to one student from each year group based on the student’s work, effort, attitude and achievements made throughout the previous half term. On occasions a High Achiever Award is also given for exceptional one-off achievements or acts of kindness.
After the success of the Cybersecurity Champions at BMS we are delighted to award them all a High Achiever Award for their significant contributions to the recent success in the National Cyberfirst Girls Competition, achieving a second place finish out of all the entries from across the Eastern Region. We are immensely proud of the dedication, hard work, commitment and enthusiasm shown by all the girls in the team. We congratulate them all and thank them for their recent success.
A huge congratulations goes to the following Year 8 Students
Lottie, Sophia, Madison, Yeshani, Dorothy, Amanda, Akshitha, Eve, Athena, Maya and Beatrice
As well as the following Year 9 Students:
Anjola, Chloe, Kira, Lily and Lillianna.
Jessica 12 Elm – Jessica’s kind nature to always support students. Jessica is part of the Year 12 peer mentoring program where she sits with students from KS3 to...