Self Marking Learning Tasks
As we continue to grapple with the important aspect of marking and feedback and the provision of specific targets for students to use to build on their prior knowledge and make...
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As we continue to grapple with the important aspect of marking and feedback and the provision of specific targets for students to use to build on their prior knowledge and make...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads we are incredibly fortunate to have so many outstanding teachers in our midst – on a daily basis planning and delivering superb lessons to the students in...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to welcome so many Year 11 students and their parents and carers – not just from Bushey Meads School, but also from a variety of different schools in the local...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman led a series of very poignant assemblies in the Main Hall on the theme of Remembrance and also provided some important Theme of the Week resources...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Across Hertfordshire all young people are being encouraged to take part in a survey and a flyer is attached with more information and a QR code for you to take part. The...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Just before the half term holiday, Hero Slinn the Director of Inclusion and Skills for Hertfordshire Children’s Services sent out an update to all headteachers and leading...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads School we place a high emphasis on providing excellent feedback to students, enabling them to identify their areas of strength and key next steps in their...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Ably led by Associate Leader Mr Abusef, our Main School Assemblies this week fed into our overall school motto and theme of Achievement. Aspiring to achieve is at the heart and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We are very fortunate to have an amazing IT Team at Bushey Meads who work incredibly hard within our school and across all three institutions in our Multi Academy Trust to...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
We have all been aware of the emerging topic of AI and its growing influence within our society. In education AI has its benefits, but it does need to be used cautiously. On...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads School we have a very eclectic and embedded culture of sharing best practice across all levels of the organisation to promote strategies related to improving...
The second Marking and Feedback Fortnight began on Monday 9th March (a two week period during which time the spotlight is shone on marking and feedback across the school a little...