Polite and Kind BMS Students
At the end of a school day, the local roads and pavements near any large secondary school can be rather busy and overcrowded. We continue to encourage all our students to show...
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At the end of a school day, the local roads and pavements near any large secondary school can be rather busy and overcrowded. We continue to encourage all our students to show...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was a privilege to join a Year 7 drama lesson last week and see how focussed and enthusiastic they were with their learning. In small groups they were rehearsing a script based...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads we are always looking for fresh and new ways to help all children succeed and achieve their true potential. Sometimes students, in the busy-ness of teenage years...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our Learning Resource Centre (LRC) continues to be an important hub of the school. Before school and at break time and lunchtime students can access all the books and state of the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads teachers are always looking for ways to increase engagement in learning, measure progress and adapt lessons to ensure maximum achievement. The use of mini...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was a privilege to join our Key Stage Coordinator for Science Mrs Siddiqui’s class last week and see how well they were engaging in the learning and making progress as...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads School, to support our strong focus on our 3 Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships, we expect all students to follow our clear Keys to Success displayed...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Providing fabulous feedback to students remains a top priority for teachers and learning assistants at Bushey Meads School. Research shows that, when students are shown the clear...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Throughout the day on Monday all students had the opportunity to listen to an extremely thought provoking and, at times, challenging assembly reflecting on the importance of...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was superb to see how learning can be so much fun; sixth form dance students were using the Game of Charades to explain and revise key terminology. They were not only having a...
Posted by Jeremy Turner