Staff Development Day – 19th February

Staff Development Day – 19th February

Graeme Searle
Graeme Searle
Staff Development Day – 19th February

On Monday 19th February 2018 the staff at BMS were involved in a Staff Development Day during which they attended a number of training sessions.

The feedback from staff has been positive and particular thanks go the staff members that planned and delivered the training on offer:

Mrs Bowe

Gallery Lesson

22 Year 11 students attended 3 x 1 hour revision sessions while a group of staff watched in order to pinch good ideas for their own classroom.

Mrs Ash and Mr O’Kelly

PiXL Knowledge and PiXL Independance

Staff were shown how to access the materials in question and started to think about how best to use them to enhance student progress.

Mr Green

Creating Expectation and Challenge

Focussing on how we stretch and challenge the students in their learning during the starter activities we deliver each lesson.

Mr Varsani and Mrs Connell

Behaviour for Learning

This session looked at the methods teachers can employ to ensure high quality behaviour and relationships within the classroom that will facilitate high quality learning.

Mr Cartledge and Mrs Hayward

Google Training

Concentrating on the programmes that Google offers and how we as teachers can use them to maximise levels of organisation and learning.

Mr Akram

Initial Teacher Training

The Newly Qualified Teachers and Schools Direct teachers met to discuss relevant topics of conversation and swap  good ideas for the half term ahead.

Miss Farook

Good to Great Programme

This group of staff meet regularly to discuss contemporary teaching literature, conduct peer observations and use video analysis in order to progress the standard of their teaching.

In addition to this, a group of thirteen staff (teachers and support staff) attended a First Aid at Work training course to update their qualification and all of the support staff across the school were busy working hard to sustain the high quality of service on offer to the students at BMS.

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