Sixth Form student of the Week
Mihir 12S Mr Chalkley has nominated Mihir for being such a reliable and helpful student who is always ready to support younger students. Mihir shows great empathy when dealing...
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Mihir 12S Mr Chalkley has nominated Mihir for being such a reliable and helpful student who is always ready to support younger students. Mihir shows great empathy when dealing...
Posted by Giles Monks
Rahul 12W Mrs Razavi has nominated Rahul for his work in Chemistry. Mrs Razavi says Rahul is a hardworking student who consistently demonstrates dedication, resilience and...
Posted by Giles Monks
Eleanor 12B Mrs Osman has nominated Eleanor for her superb attitude and positive approach to her studies in Religious Education. Mrs Osman is very impressed at the way Eleanor...
Posted by Giles Monks
David 12B Mr Abusef has nominated David for his commitment in IT this year. David has actively participated in class discussions, demonstrated a deep understanding of the subject...
Posted by Giles Monks
Logan 12W Logan is always a hard working and conscientious student, who is highly regarded by his teachers. However, this week he has gone above and beyond using his own...
Posted by Giles Monks
Benji 12S and Alex 12W Mr Cartledge has nominated Benji and Alex for their help officiating the County League Athletic Match. Mr Cartledge said they were superb and excellent role...
Posted by Giles Monks
Sixth Form Student of the Week 2022-2023 Date Name and Form Comment 14/09/22 Kyle Oliveira 13Oak Kyle has impressed the Sixth Form Team with his positive start to Year 13. He has...
Posted by Giles Monks
Ibiso 12A, Mihir 12S, Rakchiga 12W, Kaushal 12S, Apilan 12A, Alvin 12S, David 12M, Joshua 12W , Srivithuran 12M, Ratshakan 12O and Manuka 12E Mrs Sullivan has nominated all of...
Posted by Giles Monks
Last Wednesday we held our Year 12 Apprenticeship Taster Day where we were delighted to welcome back former pupil Asad who spoke to the Year 12s about his apprenticeship. Asad...
Posted by Giles Monks
Luca and Aadil 12E Mrs Ram has nominated both Luca and Aadil for being outstanding members of her form. Mrs Ram says they are always early, extremely helpful and very smartly...
Posted by Giles Monks
Mihir 12S
Key Stage 3 Alex 9 Willow – Alex is a hard working and dedicated student who always does his best! He is an excellent ambassador for the school and this was demonstrated on...
It was a privilege to welcome visitors to Bushey Meads School last Friday from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Holland, England and even the United States of America. With the late George...