Inspiring the Scientists of the Future
One of the perks of my job is visiting classes around the school to observe the fantastic teaching and learning taking place on a daily basis. I have had the pleasure to...
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One of the perks of my job is visiting classes around the school to observe the fantastic teaching and learning taking place on a daily basis. I have had the pleasure to...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
Year 11s have begun their two week pre-public exam experience, marking the start of their journey. Destination: success! All students have taken the experience incredibly...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
On Friday 4th November, we enjoyed our second enrichment day of the year. Year 10 worked for the day with a company called ‘Enable’ focusing upon workplace skills. Students worked...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
As October draws to end, it is also the end of Black History Month. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all students for their wonderful contributions and projects. During...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
I continue to be impressed with the quality of independent projects received as part of Black History Month. Leila from Year 7 researched the impact Marcus Rashford has had on...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
On Thursday 13th October, Year 11 students and their parents attended our annual Revision Techniques Evening. Each student received a Revision Goody Bag upon arrival containing an...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
This week marked the beginning of Black History Month. As part of the tutor activity, students were set a challenge to Find out about a role model from the black community (past...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
On Friday 30th September, Year 11 enjoyed their first enrichment day of the year. The first part of the day was all about next stages – leading to the writing of their CVs....
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
One of the benefits of being Assistant Head at BMS is that during one of our most important events in the school, I get to walk around the school and see the school from the...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
On the 28th and 29th June an Ofsted inspector visited the school as part of a national research project looking at the on-going training offered to teachers by school at all...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
One of the perks of my job is visiting classes around the school to observe the fantastic teaching and learning taking place on a daily basis.
I have had the pleasure to particularly enjoy my recent visits to the science faculty.
Mr Mehta’s year 12 biology class were learning about DNA and genes, building on their GCSE learning. Mrs Ram’s year 7 class were keen to show me the models that they have made. Mrs Siddiqui’s year 10s were fascinated by all the different secretions from our bodies – particularly why mucus is green!
In addition, the learning environment has recently been cleared to allow for a more spacious corridor and new exciting displays. In the entrance is a great display introducing the different science specialists working within the faculty. Do take time to go and have a look.
It was wonderful to see Year 8 students exploring nature during a recent science lesson with Assistant Headteacher, Ms Greenwood. The students were thoroughly enjoying identifying...