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Arts Challenge Update: Year 7 Focus

Arts Challenge Update: Year 7 Focus

Greg Knowles
Greg Knowles
Arts Challenge Update: Year 7 Focus

Usually at this time of year in the arts faculty we would be finishing off end of year assessments; moderating the high quality GCSE and A-level art work and finalising preparations for our end of year performances. This time of year is always a time for celebration in the arts providing us with the opportunity to congratulate our many talented and incredibly hard working students for the work throughout the year. With just a few weeks to go before the end of this very strange school year it seems the perfect opportunity to focus on the success of our student leaders’ art challenge which you may have read about earlier this term.

Our Arts faculty student leaders have set a range of tasks for the school body to complete. These cover all the arts subjects. tasks included such ideas as creating a piece of artwork that reflects the current times; writing drama pieces based around characters suggested by our student leaders; photography during lockdown; reflective music compositions; and so on. Students were able to choose which tasks they wanted to complete this term. We have received dozens of superb entries from across the school. However, here I would like to focus on year 7.

This year group are already showing wonderful potential for the years ahead with some highly imaginative entries. Our student leaders have picked out some of their favourites to share with you here.

One of our leaders, Anton Brown, 9Oak, stated “The students have really used their creativity and passion for the arts in their pieces and it shows wonderfully!”
Another, Akhil Radhakrishnan, 11Sycamore, added “during the ;lockdown students have created vivid images of nature that are in close proximity to us.”
However, here I would like to focus on year 7. This year group are already showing wonderful potential for the years ahead with some highly imaginative entries. Our student leaders have picked out some of their favourites to share with you here.
Prisha tapre has submitted this wonderfully creative image.
Lana Wurr has created a yearbook to reflect the current times. This is her opening page.
Yashvi Hingu has created this using oil pastels to warn people about the pandemic.
Our student leaders loved this photo by Angel Benny. To be honest they loved any photos of food!
A lovely warming image by Emily Williams
Do please keep the challenges coming in. We love seeing the work that you are producing this term.

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