In our Staff Briefing meeting last Friday our Acting Headteacher and Advanced Skills Leader Ms Knowles led an excellent sharing best practice ‘Friday Faculty Focus’ to support all staff with understanding a great strategy which could be used to develop high engagement in online lessons.
Equivalent to physically using mini whiteboards in lessons, she modelled the virtual option on google classrooms and made the offer to train staff on an individual basis if they wanted to adopt this in their lessons.
Our approach to sharing soundbites of best practice in relation to online live lessons is not to expect all staff to be utilising all the strategies in their lessons, but to offer a menu of possibilities for them to unpick and develop further if they chose to.
As parents do remember that staff are working incredibly hard to adapt their practices in these challenging times and approaches to lessons may vary, but the aim is to support all students – whether learning face to face with teachers present in school, or remotely at home via the online live lessons.