A Poem from our Inspired Pastoral Department
As pastoral manager for Year 10, I have time to observe the behaviours of some of the young men in that year group. One of my foundation statements is that “ALL behaviour is...
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As pastoral manager for Year 10, I have time to observe the behaviours of some of the young men in that year group. One of my foundation statements is that “ALL behaviour is...
Posted by Michelle Penny
There has understandably been a huge focus on Year 11 and Year 13 with their assessments and gathering of evidence for Centre Assessed Grades this year. However, Ms Booth and her...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
The photo shows Harry and Jude in year 8, with their completed ‘torch in an hour’ project. When?Monday after school, from 3.15 to 4.15 pm in C9. What? There will be a...
Posted by David Chalkley
Posted by James Felix
Why do sensory behaviours happen? Imagine each of the 5 senses has a cup. Some cups are tiny, some are large. The student’s main focus is keeping each cup full, without having it...
Posted by Roa Dillon
Posted by Di Mcildowie
Posted by Danielle Bowe
As part of mental health awareness week over 20 members of staff took part in a friendly – well supposedly friendly!! – rounders match on Wednesday afternoon. Split...
Posted by Sarah Cooper
It was wonderful to see the school community coming together to celebrate Mental Health Awareness week in such a positive way. Activities across the week, embraced this years...
Posted by Kashan Malik
It was a real pleasure to see Ms Booth in action with a Year 7 class using fire from a Ruben’s tube and some nostalgic music in a fun and hugely enjoyed science lesson. A...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
As pastoral manager for Year 10, I have time to observe the behaviours of some of the young men in that year group. One of my foundation statements is that “ALL behaviour is communication” and this is evident when I observe some of the behaviours displayed by some of the students, both in and out of lessons. This has inspired me to write this.
Young Man
Young man SIT DOWN
STOP acting like a clown!
This clown, this cover, this shield, this mask
That keeps him hid from the task.
The clown is JOYOUS and running around
Sometimes it’s angry and wears a frown.
Clown can find the beautiful and bold
Clown can stifle, suppress and hold.
Young man is sitting talking tears
But what he says NO ONE hears!
The words and deeds belie the feelings
The truth can sometimes leave him reeling
It’s often then the spiral comes
It comes to toss and turn him round
And when it’s done who is this man
Clown and man hand in hand.
Last week, Mrs Paddick was delighted to watch year 10 students, Roshni Vara and Anton Brown, teaching an amazing lesson to their peers in French. Working from ‘More...
We’re excited to announce that next week Elevate will be hosting its next Parent Webinar. Feedback to the previous webinars has been fantastic, so don’t miss out the next...