Outstanding BMS Staff Conference
Our most valuable resource at Bushey Meads is without a doubt our outstanding staff: teachers, learning assistants and all our dedicated and talented Associate Staff. On Monday...
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Our most valuable resource at Bushey Meads is without a doubt our outstanding staff: teachers, learning assistants and all our dedicated and talented Associate Staff. On Monday...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Developments to our school site continue to take place as we seek to constantly improve the learning environment here at Bushey Meads. At the recent Student Parliament Meeting the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
The Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE group completed their final food assessment. This assessment is part of their NEA 2 which is worth 35% of the total GCSE. They had...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
On Friday 14th February, 3 of the yr12 Fine Art students went with Miss Cole to Little Reddings school to help yr4 students paint the 2nd half of their outdoor mural, based on the...
Posted by Sam Cole
The packed audience in the Main Hall enjoyed a simply stunning evening of music and dance performances on Wednesday evening of this week. Talented musicians, dancers and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Key Stage 3 Imogen 7 Elm – Imogen is a hardworking and conscientious student who has made an excellent start to her BMS journey. She has an excellent attitude to learning,...
Posted by Kashan Malik
On Tuesday 11th February, world Safer Internet Day, our year 10 French GCSE students spent a lesson learning about French vocabulary associated with internet use, the dangers of...
Posted by Victoria Hargreaves
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
The Modern Foreign Languages and History departments are organising an overnight visit to Belgium to visit the First World War trenches for Year 9 students (current year 8s ) who...
Posted by Nicola Paddick
Posted by James Felix
Our most valuable resource at Bushey Meads is without a doubt our outstanding staff: teachers, learning assistants and all our dedicated and talented Associate Staff. On Monday and Tuesday of this week our now annual two day Staff Conference took place and provided an excellent opportunity to invest in our staff and also give them time to collaborate, share great ideas and make plans to either enhance their own pedagogy and the craft of teaching, or effectively develop their support for all the students who are privileged enough to attend Bushey Meads School.
Senior Assistant Headteacher Mr Searle with Keynote Speaker and educational guru Mark Burns
Staff Discussion Time
Miss Samuels-Redhead – Sharing Best Practice
Last month, as part of Bushey Meads’ strive towards greatness, Ms. Connell and I delivered a Monday Magic Moment to teachers on the benefits of becoming an examiner in your...
The Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE group completed their final food assessment. This assessment is part of their NEA 2 which is worth 35% of the total GCSE. They had...