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Channels of Communication
In a large school it is important to know who to contact if you would like to raise a concern or provide us with information. If you have a concern you would like to share with...

Traveling to School
Thank you to the vast majority of parents and carers who park sensibly to drop off their children in the mornings and to collect them in the afternoons. May we please remind all...

Drama Students preparing for their first big performance!
The Bushey Meads Performing Arts Festival preparations are well underway! Staff and students from all across the Arts Department are really excited to share all their hard work...

Word of the Week – Issue 70

National Young Writers’ Award Competition
Our enrichment and extra-curricular programme at BMS has been described as one of the most eclectic seen across most secondary schools, recognised in our two excellent recent...

Inspiring Oak Assembly
Earlier this week, the Head of Oak House (Mr Symeou) and five student helpers from Years 7 to 13 delivered and excellent assembly on participation. The best part was that Mr...

You CAN revise for English!
I’m sure you have all heard someone say, “You can’t revise for English!”. You might have even said it yourself!On Wednesday 15th January the English department addressed this...

Student of the Week – Issue 69
Key Stage 3 Angela 8 Beech – Angela is an excellent ambassador for the school and a diligent and dedicated student. Angela has over 250 achievement points and actively...

Spain comes to Bushey!
Many thanks to Mrs Palenzuela for organizing a return visit for the Instituto Español Vicente Cañada Blanch, a Spanish international school in London, which we visited with Year...