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Enrichment Day for Humanities and Social Sciences

Enrichment Day for Humanities and Social Sciences

Stephanie Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
Enrichment Day for Humanities and Social...

On the first enrichment day of the year, the new faculty, Humanities and Social Sciences ran several trips for selected students.

Business Studies KS5 Trip to Thorpe Park

Article written by:  George Whitman, Emily Houghton-Brown, Francesca Kelly (Years 12 and 13)

On the 28th September, Year 12 and 13 business students visited Thorpe Park Resort for the ‘Student World of Business Conference’. Lucy one of the marketing managers invited us to send prepare questions and discussed the business such as their use of social media for marketing, training of staff  and how the ensure they are financial viable.They discussed their competitive actions included how their main aim is to “chase the Mouse” -which means to focus their actions on Disney. We were informed that we are their target market and we completed many tasks identifying ways the business could improve. We completed team SWOT analysis and shared out ideas. We were then able to enjoy the park and rides. This has been particularly useful for students studying the Level 3 qualification to gain data/information for their coursework. Lucy sent us further information to help with our studies. We would like to say a big thank you to Ms Lewis for for organising and Mrs Kinghorn/Mr Symeou for accompanying us.

Geography Year 9 Trip to Brighton

Article written by Simran Sharma and Courtney Cummings (Year 9)

On Friday 28th September we went to Brighton. We had to be in school incredibly early and after a long bus ride we arrived in Brighton at 9.30am. The first place we visited was the Brighton Pier. We completed a Bi-Polar analysis and the results were very good as everything on the pier was clean, attractive and spacious. We also interviewed some members of the public, we struggled to find many tourists as it was early on a week day. We discussed with our teacher that if we came on a sunny saturday the results would be very different. When we were in Brighton we had to visit 7 sites, my favourite site was the Lanes. There are many vintage shops with pastel accents and it was a very aesthetically pleasing place to visit. I believe that the Lanes have been affected by tourism because there are many gift shops and some locations are extremely photogenic, perfect for taking photos! The final part of the day was spent on the pier visiting the arcade, quaint shops and funfair before a long journey home back to Bushey Meads School. Overall, the trip was really fun and I enjoyed visiting Brighton. History and Psychology Year 10 Trip to ‘Jack the Ripper’ London

Article written by:  Evie Payne (Year 10)

On Friday’s enrichment day, the year 10 history and psychology classes went out to London to visit the ‘Jack the Ripper’ Museum and the ‘Medicine Man’ in the Wellcome Collection. The whole trip was a real eye opener.

The Jack the Ripper museum brought a sad but fascinating understanding of the horrific events that took place in London 1888 when a mystery killer murdered five women in Whitechapel. We took a walk round rooms the museum had created to imagine where the Ripper might have stayed and planned his terrible acts. We were then able to visit a room where we looked into the lives of the five tragic woman he killed. These rooms also enabled us to experience what London was like in these times.

The Wellcome Collection took us back in time to see the development of medicine and care through the ages. It made us appreciate just how lucky we are with our modern hospitals and health system. We were able to look at the medical instruments and what they would have been used for in their time. Some were almost as gruesome as the torture methods on display!

The whole day gave us an intriguing insight into the past. Thanks to Mr Lyley, Miss Lister, Miss Walters, Mr Piper, Miss Lindau and Miss Kwok for taking us!

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