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I thought about you today …

I thought about you today …

Helen Mateides
Helen Mateides
I thought about you today …

On Tuesday the 1st of October we received the sad news that one of our students Zach Barnes had sadly passed away.

Zach had been ill for sometime and had not been to school for a while.

This week part of our assemblies were dedicated to Zach and included a one minute silence in his memory.

I also had the privilege of meeting with some of his friends in year 8, who have been writing some incredible messages in a book of condolence for Zach.

Some of the messages………..

“You always were the funniest person”

“You are an amazing friend and I miss you so much”

“You used to sit behind me in lessons and I just wanted to say you were a funny and happy character, so just wanted to say we are missing you”

I thought of you today Zach …

There are no goodbyes for us.

Wherever you are, you will

always be in our thoughts

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