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Year 11 PPE Results Assembly

Year 11 PPE Results Assembly

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Year 11 PPE Results Assembly
Friday afternoon’s Pre Public Examination (PPE) Results Assembly was one of those moments when our hardworking Year 11 students had an opportunity to stop and think and reflect about their journey to date through education. Having now spent 11 years of their lives learning through Key Stages 1 – 4 they now have 70 school days left until their crucial GCSE examinations begin.
After watching a powerful presentation on the big screen, as well as a video of last year’s actual GCSE Results Day, they all came forward to collect their own individual PPE results envelope. After a big countdown from 10 they opened the envelopes together and shared the moment. There were screams of delight, celebrations of all the hard work put into the revision last term and moments of reflection to consider the all important next steps that need to be made.
At the end of the assmbly it was a chance to plan what to do differently from now on to ensure that there are as many smiles as possible on August 22nd this year.
Students heard all about the different strategies being put in place to support the next few weeks and months. These include:
  • Continued learning in lessons across the curriculum
  • A focus on revision and past paper questions
  • Access to many online learning platforms which the students can use in and out of school
  • Cracking the Core Revision sessions in CDC time on three days of the week
  • Subject specific revision sessions after school
  • Access to F4 as a general revision session at lunchtimes on Friday
  • Study Saturdays in the LRC from April onwards
We wish all the Year 11 students every success and hope that they make the most of all the opportunities provided both in and out of school.

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