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Moving Forward with Technology at BMS

Moving Forward with Technology at BMS

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Moving Forward with Technology at BMS

In our final Friday Faculty Focus of the half term, our outstanding IT Manager across the Trust Mr Furr shared details with the wider staff of all the work his team, alongside some key leaders in the school, have been doing over the past few months to ensure a seamless transition to our new Cloud Based Management Information System Arbor takes place this summer.

We are holding a very necessary additional whole staff training session on Friday 1st July. On that day students will be allowed to leave school at 1.20 pm. For those who need to stay on site during the afternoon a supervised space will be provided.

He also encouraged staff to step up to become ‘Arbor Champions’ and take part in a pilot project looking at the trial migrations to be then able to support staff across the school to make the whole process as smooth as possible.

The new platform will incorporate within its capability some of our current additional systems such as Edulink to ensure a very streamlined service for all users. He also called on interested staff to step up to be early adopters and Arbor Champions to be able to share best practice with other staff who are less confident.

I would like to thank Mr Furr, his team and all the key leaders who are leading the way for us to move forward to an exciting future which will enhance communication across, not just our school, but the three schools in our Multi Academy Trust.

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