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Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week

Helen Mateides
Helen Mateides
Children’s Mental Health Week

On February 7th – 13th the anti-bullying ambassadors ran a workshop to raise awareness of the Children’s Mental Health Week

The theme this year was ‘Growing Together’; Not just the physical changes that a young person goes through in their lives, but the experiences, challenges and setbacks that can help them to grow and change.  These create a healthy social and emotional development and the ability to manage feelings and motivations which are needed to grow and learn.  But all this is only possible with the help of others in their environment.

1 in 6 children and young people have a diagnosable mental health problem, and many more struggle with challenges from bullying to bereavement. Peer support provides one of the best kinds of support by sharing similar life experiences. These common personal experiences can create meaningful relationships, understanding and empathy between peers who may otherwise feel misunderstood, disconnected and isolated.

During the children’s mental health week, various ‘growth’ activities were set up.  These were intended to get students to think about how they have grown and how others have helped them in that process:

Activities such as:

‘What growth looks like;  drawing the meaning of growth’

‘Letters to a younger self’

‘Group opportunities to build together’


Carmen and Naomi drawing their ‘Growth’ pictures

Letters to a younger self

Building together

Anish, Isaac, Max and Tanzil working on building together

Some of the anti-bullying students thoughts on the event

Max and Isaac

“We used building blocks to make different structures. We had competitions between each other which made us more creative and so improved our buildings”.

Ava and Chloe

“During mental health week as anti-bullying ambassadors we used activities to get students to share stories about their lives, so far through school.  It was a great way to get students to open up and understand and connect.  It was a great way to raise money for people in need too”.

Megan and Katie

“As anti-bullying ambassadors we were able to raise money for charity.  It also helped other students by giving them the space to write down their thoughts and feelings”.

Carmen and Naomi

“Children’s mental health week was about growth and growing together.  I think as you get older you get smarter”.

And remember If you can be Anything Be KInd to each other.

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