Year 10 Enrichment
Our year 10 students engaged in an Enterprise Day as part of their enrichment curriculum. This saw the students using communication skills and developing strategic awareness. The...
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Our year 10 students engaged in an Enterprise Day as part of their enrichment curriculum. This saw the students using communication skills and developing strategic awareness. The...
Posted by Claire Till
It was a real pleasure to attend a very successful Year 7 Celebration Evening on behalf of the Humanities and Social Sciences faculty, Thursday 21st October and to see so many...
Posted by Adam Lyley
Congratulations to Charles Pavlou in year 8 who has completed his Silver reading award. Between May and November he had to read six books of different genres, plus a book of...
Posted by Claire Till
It was a privilege to join the Year 8 assembly led by Assistant Pastoral Manager Mr Annan-Forson on Wednesday of this week and be reminded about the importance of knowledge in all...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
“Kindness the quality of being friendly, generous, considerate, thinking about other people’s feelings” Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation...
Posted by Helen Mateides
In last year’s comprehensive student voice survey, which involved nearly 800 students from last year’s KS3 and Year 10 and 12 year groups, more students than ever rated the school...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
I recently set my year 8 class a creative project in celebration of all that is la mode française (French fashion). A number of students chose to go straight to the most...
Posted by Nicola Paddick
Hello students, We have an amazing opportunity for you all to get involved in. The virtual jobs fair. Please click on the link below to find out more! Virtual Careers Fair PDF
Posted by Di Mcildowie
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Well done to all of our students who have either regularly represented school teams or attended lunchtime and after school sports clubs this half term. It has been great to see...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Our year 10 students engaged in an Enterprise Day as part of their enrichment curriculum. This saw the students using communication skills and developing strategic awareness. The day involved them designing and marketing a band before presenting this to peers. A range of creative ideas were shared showing a wider understanding of business, positive social media applications and shaping information to suit a specific audience
Our specialism shone through with the Year 8 ‘Mission to Mars’ theme for enrichment day last week.Students love the challenges provided across our STEM subjects and enjoyed...
The school was buzzing with activity on Thursday last week for our 3rd Enrichment Day of the year. Students got to take part in a variety of activities aimed to enhance their...