Francophone countries
Earlier this week, Ms Hargreaves gave me the opportunity to deliver a presentation about Francophone countries to my French class. Initially, the prospect of speaking to my peers...
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Earlier this week, Ms Hargreaves gave me the opportunity to deliver a presentation about Francophone countries to my French class. Initially, the prospect of speaking to my peers...
Posted by Victoria Hargreaves
Within the Science faculty, there has been an array of amazing activities for flair week, which have allowed for people across all the different year groups to showcase their...
Posted by Maryam Razavi
The mimoveapp which is a new health tracking app we are piloting with KS3 students is now up and running in PE. Students are all being given free access to the app/website and are...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Posted by James Felix
FLAIR week was a fantastic opportunity for our students to show-off their enthusiasm for languages and we loved seeing how proud the students are of their achievements. There was...
Posted by Victoria Hargreaves
As it is flair week, CDC’s have been given the opportunity to allow members of their CDC Group to “take charge” and present the theme of the week...
Posted by Michael Besisira
This week’s STEM challenge involves some cool DIY etching into metal! Have a go and use your FLAIR to be creative and take this challenge to new levels. Share any pics of...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Three of our Maths Student Leaders had the privileged experience of joining in with the first part of the Maths Faculty Meeting on Wednesday 25th March 2021. Coinciding with our...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
After a turbulent year in terms of Covid, it was great to have such a great turnout for Student Parliament on Thursday 18th March. Two main items were the focus for discussion in...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Hannah Barry, year 12 law student, has ‘Stepped up to the Challenge’ by researching the strangest cases in law.
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
Within the Science faculty, there has been an array of amazing activities for flair week, which have allowed for people across all the different year groups to showcase their ‘flair’ and passion for the subject in the way that best suits them and their personal learning preferences, so there’s been something for everyone to get involved in! With this year’s theme being ‘Innovating for the future’, it’s really made us all think more creatively than usual and acknowledge that inspiration can originate from almost anywhere.
One of the many activities that have taken place within the course of the last week is the Poster Competition and this has definitely been a personal favourite of mine. We were given this year’s theme and were then able to branch out in any area we may be fascinated in, which has given the chance to research and find out what has recently been occurring within the scientific community. It’s been really exciting to see what others have come up with.
Another initiative has been Mrs Razavi’s Burning Questions, which has really brought out a competitive edge from everyone in our lessons. The way it works is that at the start of each lesson, there is a poster containing challenging questions and we have to compete to see who can answer the questions with the best explanation in the shortest amount of time possible.
In Mrs Davey’s lesson, students were doing the centre of mass practical without guidance. They were just given equipment and they had to come up with an experiment to find the center of mass of the object given.
As always, there are also ‘Are you up for the challenge?’ questions scattered around our classroom to stretch us all further in our learning, which we can easily access and complete once we have finished our work in lessons!
Written by: Jhanavi Tiwari
This week we have had the following rewards points issued to students for their hard work: R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Year 07 185 258 80 9 3 0 535 Year 08 263 219 33 2 0 15 532 Year...