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Ash House Update

Ash House Update

Unami Tenga
Unami Tenga
Ash House Update

The 2020-2021 Academic Year is well underway. It has been a different start to the year but we have managed to overcome every obstacle that has come our way as a house group and as a school body.

Our first house assembly took place on the 28th September. For safety reasons we were not able to meet in the hall as we usually do. Each Head of House prepared a video for the students to watch during their Character Development Time. Our theme was Relationships and the students seemed to enjoy the video. I was privileged enough to be invited into 9 Ash that morning and I was able to deliver the assembly for them live. This was a special moment for me. The next house assembly has been filmed and I am eager to share it with the students in the coming weeks.

The house representatives for this year have been chosen. These students have been chosen because they have shown interest in the role and their CDC’s believe that they have the star quality and gravitas that it takes to do this job effectively. The house reps are listed below:

Year 7: Isabella Palan
Year 8: Seth Freeman
Year 9: David Barbakadze
Year 10: Alex Green
Year 11: Vikyrthan Kirushnamoorthy
Year 12: Jesse Harry Brown
Year 13: Matthew Gosden

Our first house event of the year is The House Arts event and it is scheduled to take place on the 3rd December. This is where students from different year groups and different houses can showcase their talents and their abilities. Unfortunately we are not able run it as we usually would but students will still be able to enjoy the performances as they will be recorded.

To enter the house arts event students simply need to fill out the entry form. Click here to submit an entry

Students of Ash House, I urge you to submit something, whether it be poetry, art work or a dance piece that you have been working on. The content submitted will definitely put smiles on faces and show off the talents that you all have. The deadline for submissions is Monday 23rd November 2020

Above all else, our aim is to return to the top of the house leaderboard and emerge as champions once again. This can only happen if we work together in complete synergy.

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