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Year 10s Brilliant Hip Hop Presentations

Year 10s Brilliant Hip Hop Presentations

Eliz Noyan
Eliz Noyan
Year 10s Brilliant Hip Hop Presentations

The Year 10s have been working hard during their dance theory lessons, learning and developing their knowledge on new dance styles under the Hip Hop umbrella.

By watching and analysing the professional work, Emancipation of Expressionism by Boy Blue Entertainment, the students have been introduced to several new styles and genres such as krumping, popping, locking, waacking and breaking. For their home learning task the Year 10 dancers were each given one of these dance styles to research, explore and analyse which would then be presented to the class.

It was brilliant to see all the students become leaders and show independence when presenting their new found knowledge. With this, students are now able to further analyse hip hop dance styles and link it to the GCSE professional work, Emancipation of Expressionism in preparation for the theory exam. Well done!

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