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Improving Staff & Student Wellbeing through Dance

Improving Staff & Student Wellbeing through Dance

Lauren Dolan
Lauren Dolan
Improving Staff & Student Wellbeing...

Let me introduce you to Dr Peter Lovatt, also nicknamed as ‘Dr Dance.’ After his time at school, he became a professional dancer and then combined his love for Dance and Psychology to complete several degrees including a Masters and PhD. However, he states that he only learnt how to read and write when he began dancing at the age of 20. He has completed numerous amounts of research and found that Dance has the power to make us happy and smarter!

At Bushey Meads, we know how important Dance is as it’s a great form of exercise and stimulates our emotional being. To get Britain dancing, in the name of fitness and emotional wellbeing, Dr Lovatt created the ‘happy dance,’ a viral trend to get every dancing. BMS staff had to give this a go and it was a huge success, with many teachers saying it put a smile on their face and lifted their whole mood. If you are interested in his research, Dr Lovatt has recently released his novel ‘The Dance cure’ and has a series of podcasts out called ‘The Power of Dance.’

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