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Stepping into the classroom

Stepping into the classroom

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
Stepping into the classroom
It was wonderful to welcome Year 10 Business Studies students into the classroom for some face to face teaching!  Although seeing the students was a highlight, this occasion was even more momentous for me, as it was the first time I stepped into the classroom not as a pastoral manager but as a classroom teacher!
This was a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time working through problems together, having healthy discussions and delivering content face to face, opposed to what students have become accustomed to over the past few months.
The 2 hour lessons were utilised to consolidate their learning throughout the year and facilitate a dialogue about the all that is involved in setting up a small business.  Students were able to input their responses to key questions via a google form as well as take part in a variety of other interactive activities.
The session culminated in students reviewing their prior knowledge by completing mind maps and left the lesson with exam resources to complete.
I was very impressed with the student engagement in the lesson.  Students took part in all the activities with a real  focus, the sense of determination was palatable in the atmosphere.
It was a pleasure to embark on my teaching journey with these wonderful students.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every parent, carer and student that I have had the pleasure of working with over the last 5 years.  Even though it is with a heavy heart that I leave a role that I am passionate about, I am very excited about what this new chapter will bring to my BMS journey. 

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